Contact Us

Timothy J. Nelson Innovation Center (#9 on NMC's Front Street Campus Map)
1701 E. Front St.Traverse City, MI 49686

If you are using GPS, please realize that our street address refers to a 146-acre campus. Your GPS will not bring you to our doorstep! Write to Eric for specific directions.


  • Studio Line (please don't call while we're talking): (231) 995-1090
  • Business (231) 995-2562

Record Companies: Our Music Directors are listed below; write them through this link.

If you need to contact any Music Director or Programmer, contact Station Manager Eric Hines. He will forward as appropriate.

Music Directors:

  • Biz: Jazz Music Director
  • Ellen: Personnel Director
  • James W: Jam Band Music Director
  • Jeff D: Local Music Director
  • Jennifer M: Alternative Country Music Director
  • Keith M: Blues Music Director
  • Linnaea M: World Music Director
  • Marco D: Reggae Music Director
  • Michael L: Rock Music Director
  • Mike K: Electronic Music Director
